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ΠόρταλΦόρουμLoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Facebo10Latest imagesΕγγραφήΣύνδεση
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 LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13]

Πήγαινε κάτω 
2 απαντήσεις

Πρωταθλήματα : 0

LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Empty
ΔημοσίευσηΘέμα: LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13]   LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] EmptyΠαρ Αυγ 02, 2013 3:32 pm

ING: ******* ( Doesn't matter. )
Server: EUNE
Normal wins: 1522 (Loses: -150) Updated!                          
Elo Rating:  S2 - Gold , S3 - Gold I currently. Updated!

             LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] 974g

Champions : 119 Updated!

All Champions Owned!
Champions worth in IP total: 447900 LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] 4uuf43

           LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Tg7x

Skins : 117

Justicar Aatrox ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Foxfire Ahri ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Midnight Ahri ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Stinger Akali ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Longhorn Alistar ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Unchained Alistar ( Free )
Almost-Prom King Amumu ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Blackfrost Anivia ( Legendary ) [1820 RP]
Frostfire Annie ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Amethyst Ashe ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Hearthseeker Ashe ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
iBlitzcrank ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Apocalyptic Brand ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Sheriff Caitlyn ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Mythic Cassiopeia ( Region Reward ) [975 RP]
Jurassic Cho'Gath ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Dragonwing Corki ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Bioforge Darius ( Normal )
Dark Valkyrie Diana ( Normal ) [975 RP]
TPA Mundo ( Rare ) [1350 RP]
Soul Reaver Draven ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Victorious Elise ( Rare )
Tango Evelynn ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Frosted Ezreal ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Pulsefire Ezreal ( Legendary ) [3250 RP]
Bandito Fiddlesticks ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Spectral Fiddlesticks ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Nightraven Fiora ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Void Fizz ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Gatekeeper Galio ( Legendary ) [1820 RP]
Special Forces Gangplank ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Dreadknight Garen ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Mafia Graves ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Reaper Hecarim ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Nightblade Irelia ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Victorious Janna ( Rare )
Darkforge Jarvan IV ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Nemesis Jax ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Full Metal Jayce ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Mafia Jinx ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Sakura Karma ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Traditional Karma ( Free )
Phantom Karthus ( Rare ) [520 RP]
Pentakill Karthus ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Pre-Void Kassadin ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Mercenary Katarina ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Bilgewater Katarina ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Judgment Kayle ( Rare )
Unmasked Kayle ( Rare ) [975 RP]
Karate Kennen ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Monarch Kog'Maw ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Prestigious LeBlanc ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Wicked LeBlanc ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Traditional Lee Sin ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Muay Thai Lee Sin ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Valkyrie Leona ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Commando Lux ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Steel Legion Lux ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Marble Malphite ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Shadow Prince Malzahar ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Chosen Master Yi ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Headhunter Master Yi ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Road Warrior Miss Fortune ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Mafia Miss Fortune ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Lord Mordekaiser ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Pentakill Mordekaiser ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Blade Mistress Morgana ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Galactic Nasus ( Normal ) [520 RP]
AstroNautilus ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
French Maid Nidalee ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Frozen Terror Nocturne ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Eternum Nocturne ( Legendary ) [1820 RP]
Forsaken Olaf ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Sewn Chaos Orianna ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Full Metal Pantheon ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Blacksmith Poppy ( Rare ) [975 RP]
Full Metal Rammus ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Rumble in the Jungle ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Rune Wars Renekton ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Bloodfury Renekton ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Battle Bunny Riven ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Bilgerat Rumble ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Uncle Ryze ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Masked Shaco ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Blood Moon Shen ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Ironscale Shyvana ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Augmented Singed ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Surfer Singed ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Bandit Sivir ( Normal ) [750 RP]
Sandscourge Skarner ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Arcade Sona ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Renegade Talon ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Astronaut Teemo ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Super Teemo ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Riot Girl Tristana ( Free )
Buccaneer Tristana ( Normal ) [520 RP]
King Tryndamere ( Normal ) [520 RP]
DemonBlade Tryndamere ( Legendary ) [1820 RP]
High Noob Twisted Fate ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Primal Udyr ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Spirit Guard Udyr ( Legendary ) [3250 RP]
Dragonslayer Vayne ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Neon Strike Vi ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Count Vladimir ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Blood Lord Vladimir ( Legendary ) [1820 RP]
Hyena Warwick ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Jade Dragon Wukong ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Scoched Earth Xerath ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Imperial Xin Zhao ( Normal ) [520 RP]
Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao ( Normal ) [1350 RP]
Pentakill Yorick ( Normal ) [975 RP]
Special Weapon Zac
( Normal ) [975 RP]
Shockblade Zed
( Normal ) [975 RP]
SKT T1 Zed ( Limited ) [750 RP]
Shurima Desert Zilean ( Normal ) [975 RP]
SKT T1 Zyra ( Limited ) [750 RP]

Skins worth of total RP: 
102580 LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Jz9ukp

Total worth of skins in Euro if we buy 50€ (9300 RP) PaySafeCards is: 600

New* = Skins added after the topic update.

Runes : 292 Updated!
20 Rune Pages. All Runes Tier 3
Additional 17 Rune pages worth of total RP: 6870 LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Jz9ukp (35€)

Marks: 69

 Ability Power. x9 [3690 RP]
 Armor x9 [1845 RP]
 Armor Pen. x9 [3690 RP]
 Physical Dmg. x9 [1845 RP]
 Attack Speed. x9 [3690 RP]
 Critical Chance. x10 [4100 RP]
 Health. x9 [3690 RP]
 Magic Pen. x9 [3690 RP]
 Magic Resist. x4 [820 RP]

Marks worth in IP: 27060

Seals: 90

 Ability Power. x9
[3690 RP]
 Armor. x9 [1845 RP]
 Physical Dmg. x9 [1845 RP]
 Cooldown. x9 [3690 RP]
 Critical Chance x9 [3690 RP]
 Critical Dmg. x9 [7380 RP]
 Gold per 10. x9 [3690 RP]
 Magic Resist. x9 [1845 RP]
 Mana Regen. x9 [1845 RP]
 Armor at lvl 18. x9 [1845 RP]

Seals worth in IP: 31365

Glyphs: 86

 Ability Power. x9 [3690 RP]
 Armor. x9 [1845 RP]
 Physical Dmg. x9 [1845 RP]
 Attack Speed. x5 [2050 RP]
 Cooldown. x9 [7380 RP]
 Health Regen. x1 [820 RP]
 Magic Resist. x9 [1845 RP]
 Mana. x9 [3690 RP]
 Magic Resist at lvl 18. x9 [1845 RP]
 Mana Regen at lvl 18 x9 [1845 RP]

Glyphs worth in IP: 26855

Quintessences: 47

 Ability Power. x4 [4100 RP]
 Armor Pen. x3 [3075 RP]
 Physical Dmg. x3 [3075 RP]
 Critical Chance. x3 [3075 RP]
 Critical Dmg. x3 [3075 RP]
 Gold per 10. x3 [1545 RP]
 Health. x3 [6150 RP]
 Health Regen. x3 [6150 RP]
 Lifesteal Bonus. x3 [6150 RP]
 Magic Resist. x3 [3075 RP]
 Mana. x3 [3075 RP]
 Mana Regen. x1 [1025 RP]
 Move Speed. x3 [6150 RP]
 Time Dead. x3 [3075 RP]
 Magic Resist at lvl 18. x3 [3075 RP]
 Spellvamp Bonus. x3 [6150 RP]

Quintessences worth in IP: 62020

Runes worth in total IP: 147300

Total IP and RP spent on the account.

Total IP: 509920 (To farm this amount you need to spend: 218320 minutes, or 3641 hours playing.)
(This average is calculated by Riots average IP earning formula:

"For a win, the reward is approximately: 18 IP + 2.312 per minute IP.
For a loss, the reward is approximately: 16 IP + 1.405 per minute IP."

So this leads us to average 40 minute game: 111IP (win), 73IP (loss), which leads to 92 IP average per 40 minutes game to a win or lose.)

Total RP: 87250 (The amount in Euro is 470€)

[IMPORTANT READ] So this is the account, I don't know what price to ask, I also want u to post me suggests for price. If anyone is interested in the account, answer here in the topic.


##Last Updated: 27 September 2013.

Έχει επεξεργασθεί από τον/την chrgate στις Τετ Ιουλ 02, 2014 7:05 pm, 58 φορές συνολικά
Επιστροφή στην κορυφή Πήγαινε κάτω

Πρωταθλήματα : 0

LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Empty
ΔημοσίευσηΘέμα: Απ: LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13]   LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] EmptyΤρι Σεπ 17, 2013 12:41 pm

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Επιστροφή στην κορυφή Πήγαινε κάτω

Πρωταθλήματα : 0

LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Empty
ΔημοσίευσηΘέμα: Απ: LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13]   LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] EmptyΤρι Σεπ 17, 2013 5:20 pm

Επιστροφή στην κορυφή Πήγαινε κάτω

Πρωταθλήματα : 0

LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] Empty
ΔημοσίευσηΘέμα: Απ: LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13]   LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13] EmptyΠαρ Σεπ 27, 2013 2:45 pm

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Επιστροφή στην κορυφή Πήγαινε κάτω
LoL account for sale. [Updated 27/09/13]
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